The patient’s daughters had never heard her. The procedure took place in Lyon, France. A woman spoke again after almost two decades, after undergoing the first larynx transplant in the history of France and the third in the world.about:blank The result of the operation was presented, according to AFP, this Monday, from Lyon, by the medical team, who hope to be able to repeat the ‘feat’ soon. The woman, who was identified only by her first name, Karine, aged 49, had been breathing via tracheostomy for for around 20 years, without being able to speak, due to complications in the intubation maneuver, during a cardiorespiratory arrest, in 1996. A few days after the transplant, carried out on the 2nd and 3rd of September, in Lyon, the woman managed to pronounce some words, with his voice still very frank. However, after several vocal cord rehabilitation sessions, as well as swallowing and breathing, the French woman is recovering and has been home since October 26th. In writing, the woman explained to AFP that she volunteered for this operation as volunteer for 10 years “to return to a normal life”.”My daughters had never heard of me”, she confided, ensuring that she is equipped with “courage” and “patience” to face the pain and the work of relearning how to use your vocal cords. “It’s strange to talk again”, she further admitted. The world’s first larynx transplant took place in 1998, in Cleveland, USA. In this case, the patient was a man who had lost his vocal cords in a motorcycle accident. Larynx transplantation is extremely rare because it is “complex”, since this organ of the respiratory system is made up of very small nerves and is vascularized by very small arteries and veins that cross each other”, as explained by Professor Philippe Céruse, head of the department of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery at the Croix-Rousse hospital. (RM) Source: Rádio Moçambique Online

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