This Thursday morning, the trial of case 574/23, which involves MDM political delegates in the province of Sofala, resumed. The two delegates are accused of kidnapping and formally irregular imprisonment. The trial was postponed on Tuesday, because the judge requested the presence of two more people, namely Elisa Nunguiane, who was the one who gave information to the family of young João Wachane Nhamuwe, who was allegedly kidnapped by MDM members. And also the PRM officer, who was on duty at the fourth police station in the city of Beira. As a declarant, Elisa Nunguiane told the Court that she did not see anything. “I only heard, through my grandson, that they were going to catch someone,” said the declarant, adding that she does not know the MDM members and did not see them at the time the aforementioned kidnapping occurred. The lawyer for the MDM members, Eliseu de Sousa , told the Court that, after her statements, Elisa Nunguiane became irrelevant in the process. The trial continues and the PRM agent will be heard this morning. PRM STILL NO WHEREFORE OF THE MISSING YOUNG MAN PRM in the city of Beira says it does not know until now the whereabouts of the young man allegedly captured by MDM members for registering and collecting voter cards in Bairro da Munhava. The judge demands evidence from whoever captured the young man and took him to the rally. The Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Court as well as the lawyers saw, on the official page of the MDM party on the social network “Facebook”, the public presentation of the young man who was allegedly collect voter cards. During the trial, the judge said he was not seeing the MDM delegates, who are now defendants, and then questioned why the party president and the MDM list leader were not in court, because, according to the judge, they are the people who appear with the young João Wachane Nhamuwe. The PRM Agent, Ivan de Figueiredo, assigned to the fourth police station for three months, as a declarant, explains to the Court that he did not work on the night of the day 26, the period in which the facts occurred, but on the morning of the 27th, when he found the process already underway. Ivan de Figueiredo also stated that the person who ordered the arrest of the MDM delegates was the commander of the PRM’s fourth squadron. Source:O País

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