DAI SPEED is recruiting an Agriculture Sector Coordination Advisor, to be based in Maputo, Mozambique.

  • The USAID SPEED Project is seeking a mid-high-level consultant, immediate for a period of 12 months, with 10+ years of experience in economics/agricultural economics or related fields. The Advisor will particularly facilitate relationship-building with State and GRM counterparts. He/she will be responsible to provide institutional coordination support to advance the agriculture portfolio’s activities. The Agriculture Sector Coordination Advisor will act as the relationship broker with high-level GRM counterparts, particularly with MADER, MIC and MTA, at the central and provincial levels. The Advisor will also engage with local (provincial and district) business associations and other USAID funded projects to identify policy openings and build synergies across partners
  • In particular, the candidate should have strong experience working in agriculture and private sector development related issues, including, but not limited to areas of food security, climate resilience, access to market, access to finance, nutrition, and trade. The adviser must demonstrate energy, patience, and attention to detail. She or he must also be available to build the capacity of relevant officials as needed at the relevant public institution
  • Meeting notes from coordination meetings with USAID and GRM institutions
  • Six one-page success stories/stories of change
  • One-page monthly summary briefs on sector insights and activities completed
  • Quality assured versions of SOWs and consultant deliverables
  • An exit report slide deck summarizing feedback from the targeted GRM institutions on SPEED’s support, list of key achievements from the assignment, challenges faced, lessons learned, and recommended SPEED activities for Y4
  • Bachelor’s degree in economics, agricultural science, rural development, or any other relevant field required.  Advanced degree (Masters) preferred
  • Profound knowledge and good experience of agriculture policy analysis (briefings, concept-notes, study analysis, etc.) and matters related to agrarian sector development in Mozambique
  • Minimum 7 years of progressively relevant experience in partnership management, governance, civil society strengthening, communications, organizational learning and /or strategic learning in international development
  • Ability to effectively manage and deliver technical assistance on time and within budget
  • Demonstrate ability to build and maintain effectively working relationship with public institutions, private sector, donors and CSOs
  • Experience working on USAID-funded projects is preferred
  • Ability to respond effectively to time sensitive demands & inquiries
  • Excellent organizational skills with a willingness to take initiative
  • Ability to manage and prioritize multiple concurrent tasks
  • Excellent communications and personnel management skills and ability to relate to people at all levels of an organization and of different multicultural backgrounds
  • Extremely well organized and self-directed individual with sound technical skills, and analytical ability
  • English and Portuguese knowledge are required
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
  • Interested candidates must submit their CV in English
  • For more details about this consultancy, please click on the following link: SOW – Agriculture Sector Coordination Advisor
How to Apply
1. Documentation
  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
2. Application


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