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English Articles

The IV session of the Assembly of the Republic starts next month. The highlight may be the visit of the President of the Republic to the “house of the people” to give the annual report on the state of the Nation. Tuesday in its seventeenth session, it considered and approved the date for the holding of the fourth ordinary session of the Parliament. Speaking to the press, minutes after the meeting with the members of the commission, the spokesperson for the Permanent Commission (CP) of the Assembly of the Republic, Alberto Matucotuco, said that 42 agenda items had already been listed to be discussed. “This session of the Standing Committee considered and approved the list of matters that will be submitted to the plenary for debate. As the work progresses, the agenda will receive some topics, depending on the circumstances that are verified on the ground”, he said. State effect to the Nation, Ombudsman annual, Government information, Economic and Social Plan Law Proposal and State Budget for 2022, Law Proposal defining the rules and criteria for setting the remuneration of state employees and agents and other public servants, proposed a Law on Social Communication and broadcasting. On the same occasion, the plan of activities for the first two weeks of the fourth session was approved, with annual information from the Ombudsman and information from the Government to Parliament being foreseen .To allow the work of the fourth session of the Assembly of the Republic to start smoothly, the CP defined the mandatory presence in the city of Maputo, of all deputies who are members of the specialized commissions, until October 4th of the current year. The country

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