The circulation of vehicles and people on the N13 national road, which connects the districts of Mandimba and Cuamba in the province of Niassa and from this to Nampula. The route has been interrupted since 18 March, following the destruction, by Cyclone Freddy, of the bridge over the River Lugenda. The Ministry of Public Works, Water Resources and Housing announced the resumption of traffic on that road, revealing that there had been severe damage to the landfills at the north-south junctions, on the bridge over the Lugenda River, over a length of 500 meters, thus conditioning trafficability for almost ten days. It should be noted that the interruption of traffic on that road severely affected the supply of products from Niassa to Nampula province, which led to a rise in the prices of butter beans, white potatoes, onions, among others. For example, in the Waresta market, the largest in northern Mozambique, potatoes, which before the interruption of the Mandimba-Cuamba road sold for 30 meticais, now cost between 70 and 80 meticais per kilo. The same happens with onions, which currently range from 40 to 200 meticais per can against the previous 30 to 150 meticais. Likewise, butter beans went from the previous 80 meticais to 200 meticais per kilo. (Letter) Source: Carta de Moçambique

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