
Mozambique and Angola intend to reinforce parliamentary cooperation

Mozambique and Angola reinforce partnership in the parliamentary domain with the signing of an addendum to the 2003 Cooperation Protocol, between the two legislative institutions, indicates a communiqué from the Assembly of the Republic. in Luanda by Presidents Esperança Bias and Carolina Cerqueira, of Mozambique and Angola, respectively, aims to boost exchange between deputies and officials of the two parliamentsFor Esperança Bias, the instrument will boost the concertation of positions on international issues in geopolitical areas and areas of common interest. On her turn, the president of the Angolan Parliament, Carolina Cerqueira, said that the visit of her Mozambican counterpart manifests the will of the peoples of both countries, in the reinforcement of the relations of cooperation and brotherhood. invited by her Angolan counterpart, Carolina Cerqueira, accompanied by the heads of the three parliamentary groups, Sérgio Pantie, from FRELIMO, Viana Magalhães from RENAMO and Lutero Simango from MDM, respectively. (RM)Source:Rádio Moçambique Online

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