The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the artist Ernesto Matsinhe Mafuiane (Butcheca) launched, on Saturday, in the context of the tenth edition of the international tourism fair “FIKANI”, a capulana, which was inspired by a work of art, in this case a painting. A work of art that gave rise to the colorful capulana, which stood out just for its bright colors. Edelvina Materula, Minister of Culture, announced that the idea of ​​replicating the artwork in multiple capulanas aims to provide access to art, thus bringing profits and appreciation. “To Mozambican visual artists and other creatives, as well as to national businesspeople, we want to send a message that art, culture and creativity can be sources of business and income generation. Therefore, we must be proactive in doing business in this area. This is already happening with the transfer of copyright for works of visual art in National Literature”, said Materula. The minister also added that “the Capulana Butcheca is on display at the FIKANI Fair, at the stand of the National Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries, because it is in this way, and in places like this, that we must capitalize on, promote and appreciate our art and our artists. Having arrived here, I would like to, in my own name and on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, officially declare the launch of the Capulana Butcheca. A big thank you to all Mozambican artists and creatives.” The author of the work, Butcheca, explained that the replica of the painting in capulana symbolizes life. “The colors, the red that represents life. Without forgetting the snakes that represent healing, so this work is life.” Butcheca made an appeal for visual artists, especially the younger ones, to print their works to earn more income. Source: O País

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