The Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) says that the girl who was beaten, on Wednesday, is “apparently” enjoying good health, although she has not yet had contact with no medical team to assess his condition. According to the ministry, the incident took place at the 4 de Outubro Secondary School, in Ressano Garcia, Maputo province. The sector spokesman says that, at this moment, the victim, the aggressor , their supervisors and the school board are meeting whose point of approach is the aggression in question. At the central level, nothing is being done but “strongly condemn the action” and “wait for the results of the meeting that is taking place at the school “. In fact, according to Gina Guibunda, “the matter will be resolved at the local level”. The aggression came to the fore through social networks, where a student trips his colleague who, afterwards, falls over his head, hitting his wallet before go to the ground. The images show the girl immobilized while the attacker looks at her. SCHOOL EXPULS YOUNG AGGRESSOR OF THE GIRL IN RESSANOAfter the meeting held this Thursday afternoon, the 4 de Outubro School in Ressano Garcia, Maputo province, decided to expel the boy who allegedly assaulted his colleague, giving him a trip that led to a cruel fall, hitting his head on the wallet before he hit the ground. A statement from the School indicates that the decision was made after hearing the parents and guardians of the two parties and also other students who witnessed the act on Wednesday. :The country

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